60 Knobs & 60 Jacks

Stop me if you have been here…          …You have been patching your modular synth for a while and then you get a thought of “I wish I could use this modulation source to control one of my other midi synth’s!”  Or what about a ‘deep’ guitar pedal that has a MIDI input and can be controlled via MIDI CC?  How about wanting to use many CV sources to control many MIDI CC’s or NRPN’s or even SysEx…   …with a stand alone box?  Or, how do I easily record all of these CV signals into my DAW so I can use them in MIDI tracks too?

Bastl released their 60 Knobs project last year and made it open source!  I immediately saw lots of potential and decided to see what I could come up with.  Their original project is located HERE.

Here are a couple of different configurations.

So, what did I add?   First is obvious, 60 jacks and the 60 pots are used as attenuators for the incoming CV signals.  Next was a small 9 tile 1U rack that can be used for whatever you want.  Here I have an oscilloscope, 4 LFOs from SYINSI (Each with three waveform outputs) and a couple of FSR’s from Pulplogic.  Of course you can patch up all of your existing modular gear too, but the on-board 1U devices are really helpful to get you started modulating quickly.  And if you know me, you know I love me some 1U gear!

How do you organize 60 knobs & 60 Jacks?  Custom printed/laminated, easily switchable vinyl templates!  What ever custom configuration and arrangement can be made and are attached to the top and bottom of the console via thin strips of Velcro.  Want to modulate all of the modulators in a virtual Matrix 12 with your eurorack gear?

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